Head Executives

Christopher Corradini
Co-Founder, Writer
Five deferment draft-dodger of the edition wars, Chris has been running and playing RPGs since the ill fated day his mother gave him the D&D 3.0 rulebook. Since then he has written his own micro-rpg based on walking and a book of poems. When he isn’t writing he is reading a book, reading a comic book, throwing tarot cards like ninja stars, crying and yelling in a game or crying and yelling outside of a game. He also has a passing interest in hipster metal, post-rock, video games, and anime with gay kissing.
Peregrination-The game of Journeys

Spencer Hughes
Maintaining a 65:35 ratio of time spent with computers:people, Spencer keeps up-to-date on all the new and retro tech. Among his collection of tech is his collection of opinions on tech, some of which he shares in his blog, and the rest he shares with anyone who’ll listen. Spencer enjoys human music, Magic: The Gathering, anything on the Switch, and has been bad a sports since ‘92.

Ivan Norry
Who’s that Pokémon?! It’s Ivan! Ivan plays games and likes to think he can make them. Ivan has integrated himself in technology ever since he first turned on a television at the age of 3. Since then he has begun an age-long quest to design both digital and tabletop games.
Secondary Contributors

Content Producer
Part time adult, full time nerd. Pi has been playing tabletop role-playing games for over half of their life, and video games even longer. Their character sheet shows they have 5 ranks in Knowledge(Computer Science) and 7 in Knowledge(Mathematics) but they have no idea what to do with them.

Feldia was normal until they played rpgs on the SNES, since then they have explored almost every genre and style of game from every system. To the disappointment of everyone around them, they got hooked on Chinese cartoons; it has been all downhill since. Having no other marketable skills, they have decided to write about the three things they think they know something about: video games, manga, and anime.
Art Credit: The Dark

Shana Foldes
Editor, Content Producer
Did you know alpacas have fire resistance? Shana does. Grown in Montreal, raised in the middle of nowhere, Shana didn’t get introduced to the world of gaming until she met these nerds. She quickly got pulled into RPGs and developed a taste for being a super special snowflake. Shana works behind the scenes to make sure all the content you love is polished, organized, and ready to go. She is an avid reader, alpaca enthusiast, pun connoisseur, and collector of taxidermy and bones.

Jeff Halcrow aka NotoriousTREE
Currently a journalism student, Jeff has been a devoted fan of all things rock n’ roll and gaming related from a young age. With a passion for creative expression and competition, he’s always on the lookout for the next innovative act in rock, metal, and hip-hop; as well as the growth of eSports. Jeff posts a mix of music reviews and eSports analysis, you can follow his blogs here for commentary on albums new and old, as well as upcoming eSports events.
Some of Jeff’s favourite music: Rush, ISIS, Queens of the Stone Age
Some of Jeff’s favourite games: League of Legends, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Magic: The Gathering