Never End the Story Episode 24: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

This episode we review Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. We discuss the late capitalism industrial setting, share edgy theories, and figure out the true villain of the story.

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Intermission 23

We discuss our thoughts on Episode 23 of Never End the Story, agree on Clooney’s beauty, look at his lowest quality movies, and plan for a new month’s theme. Listen for a sneak peek at Episode 24.

If you have any questions you’d like us to answer during our intermissions, send them in to [email protected], or message us on Twitter or Facebook.

Credits to 8 Bit Jazz for our theme song.

Cast: Ivan, Connor, Jeff, Tepper

Intermission 22

We discuss our thoughts on Episode 22 of Never End the Story, question the movie’s physics again, discuss the vibe of 2000 era movies, and learn about a talking skateboard. Listen for a sneak peek at Episode 23.

If you have any question you’d like us to answer during our intermissions, send them in to [email protected], or message us on Twitter or Facebook.

Credits to 8 Bit Jazz for our theme song.

Cast: Ivan, Connor, Jeff, Spencer, Tepper

Never End the Story Episode 22: Clockstoppers

This episode we review Clockstoppers. We discuss how the creators of this movie didn’t put any thought into scientific realism, how the watch breaks many laws of physics despite knowing this, and the in-your-face 2002 aspects.

Continue reading “Never End the Story Episode 22: Clockstoppers”

Intermission 21

We discuss our thoughts on Episode 21 of Never End the Story, meet Chris’ identical twin, celebrate the achievement of one of our guests, and pitch an alternate movie. Listen for a sneak peek at Episode 22.

If you have any question you’d like us to answer during our intermissions, send them in to [email protected], or message us on Twitter or Facebook.

Credits to 8 Bit Jazz for our theme song.

Cast: Ivan, Connor, Jeff, Shana, Tepper

Intermission 20

We discuss our thoughts on Episode 20 of Never End the Story, learn about Conan’s contribution to He-Man, toy crazes, and horse breeding. Listen for a sneak peek at Episode 21.

If you have any question you’d like us to answer during our intermissions, send them in to [email protected], or message us on Twitter or Facebook.

Credits to 8 Bit Jazz for our theme song.

Cast: Ivan, Chris, Shana, Tepper

Never End the Story Episode 20: Conan the Barbarian

This episode we review Conan the Barbarian, our second movie in Arnie April. We discuss the story elements and how they shaped future narratives in the genre, the contributions of Conan’s fellow party members, and how much of a stud Conan is.

Continue reading “Never End the Story Episode 20: Conan the Barbarian”

Intermission 19

We discuss our thoughts on Episode 19 of Never End the Story, talk about one-liners, Steven Seagal, and sous chef Arnie. Listen for a sneak peek at Episode 20.

If you have any question you’d like us to answer during our intermissions, send them in to [email protected], or message us on Twitter or Facebook.

Credits to 8 Bit Jazz for our theme song.

Cast: Ivan, Jeff, Shana, Tepper